1. Recent blogs by Caroline Ashley (on various sites)
Optimism and frustration, celebration and caution: the rising tide of women entrepreneurs taking their place in business and finance (InclusiveBusiness.net, July 2021)
Mindsets are shifting – with huge implications for business and sustainability (Business Green, February 2021)
The mindset of a good business leader for an inclusive future (Forum for the Future, February 2021)
We can’t ignore mindsets if we want to reset capitalism (Business Fights Poverty, January 2021)
Snails, motorbikes and shifting norms: how can businesses be genuinely ambitious on sustainability? (Business Green, December 2020)
Is inclusive business falling short on inequality? (InclusiveBusiness.net, November 2020)
Navigating the transition to sustainability, amidst new forces (Forum for the Future, June 2020)
The easiest decision to get wrong at the start? Which market segment is for you? (InclusiveBusiness.net, April 2020)
Vulnerable workers in global value chains: ambitious collaboration needed (Business Fights Poverty, April 2020)
How business responds to coronavirus has massive ramifications (Business Fights Poverty, April 2020)
Unique blend of skills are needed to grow – and scale – the inclusive business sector (InclusiveBusiness.net, May 2019)
Investing in women’s entrepreneurship is not enough (Oxfam, October 2018)
Customer-centricity: is it not obvious? (InclusiveBusiness.net, August 2018)
A no ‘tick-box’ approach to gender and resilience (Oxfam, August 2017)
2. ‘Editor’s Choice’ – this was a monthly blog reviewing a selected report or public output on inclusive business. It was written by Caroline most months from 2011 to 2017 and posted on inclusivebusinesshub.org and then inclusivebusiness.net.
Editor’s choice: the best blogs of 2017 (December 2017)
Our world in data, and in darn good visuals too (November 2017)
Does inclusive business reach ‘the poor’? At last some data! (October 2017)
Second report of the Un High Level Panel On Women’s Economic Empowerment (September 2017)
Better business better world (August 2017)
Do we really know if acceleration and advisory support make a difference? A new addition to the scattered evidence (June 2017)
An overview of what’s happening with inclusive agribusiness, what’s missing and specific roles donors could play (April 2017)
Delving inside the down-pyramid marketing strategies of Unilever and Tetra Pak (March 2017)
Financial diaries of 1,000 women and men give clear directions for shifts in financial services provision (February 2017)
Margins for shopkeepers or subsidies for consumers? What influence nutritious behaviour? (December 2016)
How do you choose between organic growth, licensing or acquisition? (November 2016)
A neoliberal takeover of social entrepreneurship? (October 2016)
Useful resources mapping support for entrepreneurs – and some important gaps (September 2016)
The multi-stakeholder partnerships guide (May 2016)
Disrupting the status quo and creating sanitation markets (April 2016)
A practical tool for navigating partnership culture (March 2016)
Which capital for which inclusive business? A huge step forward in answering the question (January 2016)
Enterprise solutions for 2030 (December 2015)
Cut out the middle man? Why bother if you can secure good seed instead (November 2015)
6 years of data, 208 enterprises, aecf shares results so far (October 2015)
Collaborative innovation – why, how, and what does it look like? (September 2015)
How successful companies reach the base of the pyramid (February 2015)
On innovators and pinballs (January 2015)
A roadmap for the BOP domain (December 2014)
What is really driving companies to invest in sustainable and inclusive business? (November 2014)
Finding out about clients – groundbreaking work by ZHL ambulance service, Acumen and Grameen (October 2014)
Designing for the BOP – a Business Fights Poverty report (September 2014)
What can we learn from 5,000 organisations about the beneficiaries they reach? (July 2014)
Learn about spending in your market segment through the new global consumption database (June 2014)
Beyond the pioneer (May 2014)
What matters most to start-up enterprises around the globe? (March 2014)
When the foundations of business strategy are turned upside down, what are the implications for inclusive business? (February 2014)
Eight of the best on inclusive business practicalities (December 2013)
Reporting on impact (November 2013)
The six steps to significant change (October 2013)
The social entrepreneur’s playbook (August 2013)
Innovation: necessary but necessarily tough going (July 2013)
Realizing Africa’s wealth (June 2013)
Helping business make smart choices on measuring socio-economic impact (May 2013)
Why low prices and adverts don’t win BOP customers (April 2013)
Smallholders, finance and a very big gap (March 2013)
Agribusiness and smallholders: solutions to nurture (February 2013)
Nutritious business and models at the base of the pyramid (January 2013)
Highlights of 2012 (December 2012)
Business models and whether donors ‘get’ them (November 2012)
Piloting low-cost health care; results and revenues so far (October 2012)
Database of organisations that support inclusive business (September 2012)
The g20 challenge on inclusive business innovation (August 2012)
Checklists and tips for the busy but enquiring practitioner (July 2012)
A must-read for funders of inclusive business (June 2012)
Social enterprises on the path to scale in India (May 2012)
Entrepreneurial models for safe water at the base of the pyramid (April 2012)
Unbeatable tools to help entrepreneurs develop their business (March 2012)
Business solutions to enable energy access for all (February 2012)
mission, margin, and mandate: multiple paths to scale (January 2012)
Business models that make a difference (December 2011)
How mobile technology helps tackle age-old challenges (November 2011)
The iris data report (October 2011)
Investing in clean energy for the BOP – what you need to know (September 2011)
Sourcebook for overcoming barriers to inclusive business in India (August 2011)
Connectivity, business potential, and rapid growth in ‘digital Africa’ (July 2011)
Promise and progress, market-based solutions to poverty in Africa (June 2011)
Partnering for inclusive business in Bangladesh (May 2011)
DCED directory of donor programmes that partner with business (April 2011)
Is the bottom of the pyramid really for you? (March 2011)
Impact Investments; an emerging asset class (February 2011)
Shell Foundation report on solutions that scale (January 2011)
3. Blogs as Editor of the Practitioner Hub for Inclusive Business and Results Director of multiple donor-funded programmes supporting inclusive business
In the burgeoning inclusive business space, some core questions remain (December 2017)
The Inclusive Business Action Network (Iban) will run the Practitioner Hub For Inclusive Business (December 2017)
Data, data everywhere… But what does it mean for inclusive business? (November 2017)
Doing business differently – can inclusive business empower women (September 2017)
Has the off-grid energy market been cracked? (July 2017)
Sifting through the noise: providing curated quality content for inclusive business practitioners (July 2017)
More than money matters! The rise and range of non-financial support to inclusive business (June 2017)
Trends in inclusive agribusiness: nitty gritty detail and changing mindsets (April 2017)
Listening to consumers is putting consumer voice at the heart of the social enterprise model (February 2017)
Candid reflections on how companies and donors collaborate (January 2017)
Demystifying ‘scale’ 10 things we know and don’t know about scaling inclusive business (November 2016)
The social enterprise landscape: good news first or bad? (October 2016)
Who pays and what works? The changing market of inclusive business development services (September 2016)
Are inclusive agribusinesses beginning to break through? (July 2016)
Does all this measurement add up? The challenge of aggregating results across an impact portfolio (June 2016)
A gathering of pioneers: new report highlights key trends in inclusive business in Asia (June 2016)
Inclusive business trends in South Asia and South East Asia (June 2016)
What sort of financial return are investors seeing from inclusive business (June 2016)
Social impact: going beyond just business as usual in Asia (June 2016)
Tackling the risk or ‘perceived risk’ of inclusive business investments (June 2016)
What should and shouldn’t development finance institutions be doing and reporting? (June 2016)
Partnerships: distracting dead-end or sustainable solution? (May 2016)
Understanding impacts at the BOP; going beyond numbers reached (May 2016)
The business of sanitation: a microcosm of inclusive business challenges (April 2016)
Why should donors subsidise the private sector? (April 2016)
Inclusive business and SDGs: a time for yawning, relabeling or raising ambition? (March 2016)
Day 0 at the IB Asia Forum (February 2016)
Introducing a new database of inclusive business publications (January 2016)
Navigating the finance landscape for inclusive businesses (January 2016)
2015 highlights: understanding and tracking social impacts of business (December 2015)
Is $8 a month affordable for the BOP? Or why do our eyes glaze over small numbers? (August 2015)
Do we have any consensus on good practice tips for reporting inclusive business progress? (July 2015)
The positive, negative, and less obvious ways that governments affect inclusive business growth (May 2015)
Sanergy: looking back to 2011, looking forward to scale (April 2015)
Do you know who counts as living at the ‘Base of the Pyramid’? (January 2015)
New spotlight compares inclusive business results across three portfolios (December 2014)
The most common challenges faced by inclusive businesses (November 2014)
Time to start challenging our assumptions that start-ups can’t reach scale (October 2014)
Breaking through at the BOP: a sector comparison of the inclusive businesses in the bcta portfolio (September 2014)
The current state of impact measurement practice (July 2014)
Portfolio tracking of inclusive business: dealing with apples, pears and indices (July 2014)
Moving social finance form niche to mass (June 2014)
My head is spinning but if you measure social impact, it needs to be (June 2014)
If we only count direct jobs, we get totally the wrong policy conclusion (May 2014)
Inclusive business in asia – a round up from across the region (May 2014)
Sector labels don’t work for unconventional innovative business (April 2014)
Learning for donors from the BIF pilot (March 2014)
What does successful inclusive business look like? Final findings from the BIF pilot (January 2014)
The only truly “bad” failure is one that’s repeated (January 2014)
Results are like London buses – right now we have plenty (December 2013)
It’s not as simple as it seems: learning from company, sourcing from smallholders (December 2013)
Can a non-agricultural company transform the agricultural value chain? (December 2013)
Refreshingly frank and inspiringly ambitious: seven in-depth case studies of inclusive business in practice (December 2013)
What’s the point? Explaining the logic of BIF support (November 2013)
A thousand piece puzzle -a fair reflection and a useful title? (October 2013)
Why share? Are you curious or sceptical about exchanging knowledge on inclusive business? (October 2013)
Welcoming BCtA as a Hub partner (September 2013)
Innovation, scale, returns, failure… if BIF is a pilot, what are we learning from it? (June 2013)
Performance of agribusinesses projects in BIF: solid performers? Or weaker than other sectors? (June 2013)
‘Creaming off’ the easy to reach BOP? (May 2013)
Getting the best value from your measurement of results (May 2013)
A growing Practitioner Hub! £1 per visit milestone. Value? (April 2013)
Innovation as big medicine – recommended blog (March 2013)
Toilet teachings: what I’ve learnt from 2 toilet ventures about inclusive business (March 2013)
Why farmer investment is a good proxy indicator (February 2013)
The business innovation Facility in 2013: will we generalise at our peril? (January 2013)
Why have I never seen a Beckham bed net? Or a Disney wholefood bar? (December 2012)
What’s emerging from the IAP portfolio? (December 2012)
A leap of faith – by the smallholder and the investor. Malawi Mangoes’ innovative business model (November 2012)
Can BIF report jobs and BOP income created per £ from DFID? If not, why not? (October 2012)
Using mobile money and mobile banking in your organisation – the ifs, hows and whys (October 2012)
High expectations of entrepreneurs, hard assessments by BIF and IAP: 2 new reviews (September 2012)
Why and how companies set Key Performance Indicators to track social impact (August 2012)
BIF clients setting Key Performance Indicators for their social impact (August 2012)
‘It’s only going one way’ – a lively discussion on business impact measurement (July 2012)
On track for long term sustainable impact? (June 2012)
Catalysing private sector development or boxing it in a log-frame? (March 2012)
Pooling perspectives on African agriculture (February 2012)
Supporting inclusive business: what have we learnt so far? (January 2012)
A nutty idea or a business solution of the future? (November 2011)
Corporate partner profits: a cause for NGO concern or celebration? (October 2011)
$60 tablet launched in india – a step forward but not an inclusive business solution? (October 2011)
What do inclusive businesses need to know about impact investment? (October 2011)
Inclusive businesses succeed by investing in customer education & supplier training (September 2011)
What impacts can we expect from inclusive businesses supported by BIF? (August 2011)
Oxfam, Coke and SAB collaboration: insightul rather than exciting, but a good way to move ahead. (May 2011)
Finding finance for your inclusive business (April 2011)